Välkommen till Säkerhetsfredag #3. Denna eftermiddag kommer handla om två aspekter på cybersäkerhet – kryptering och forskning
Dagens program
- 13.00-13.45 Krypto – en av våra viktigaste säkerhetsfunktioner
Tommy Hallberg, affärsområdesansvarig på Sectra Communications - 13.45 - 14.00 Paus
- 14.00- ca 15.00 Preparing for cyberattacks – from research to cyber training and exercises
Shahid Raza, Director of RISE Cybersecurity Unit, and project leader RISE Cyber Range
This talk will start with a quick overview of cybersecurity and who are we defending against. It will present the opportunities the RISE Cyber Range brings to Swedish Industry and public sector. The talk will also present Swedish Cyber Defence Campus, a new initiative on cyber education and research in Sweden. The presentation will be concluded with highlights of cutting-edge research in RISE Cybersecurity Unit and its benefits to Swedish society.
Tommy Hallberg, affärsområdesansvarig på Sectra Communications
Shahid Raza, Director of RISE Cybersecurity Unit, and project leader RISE Cyber Range
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