SBOM for fun and profit
Den 23:e november pratar vi SBOM och tillhörande akronymer som VEX, CSAF och CVE.
Sessionen kommer hållas på Engelska för att bjuda in kollegor från övriga delar av Europa.
On November 23rd, we'll talk SBOM and associated acronyms such as VEX, CSAF and CVE.
The session will be held in English to invite colleagues from other parts of Europe.
Everyone talks about Software Supply Chain Security and SBOM, Software Bill of Materials. What is it and what is the state of the world of SBOMs today?
SBOM is a critical part of the work to prepare your product for legislation such as the proposed
Cyber Resilience Act. It’s part of your vulnerability handling process and will become something all teams work with alongside the code and testing processes.
Join us for a one-hour session (include questions and answers) with Olle E. Johansson and Per-Erik Eriksson
- follow us on a journey through good and bad SBOMs, vulnerabilities that makes the system fail and some suggestions on how to make SBOMs profitable for you.
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