Lärare: Alan Smith, Addskills Cornerstone (läs mer om Alan Smith här nedanför)
Kursen hålls på engelska, med engelskt kursmaterial.
Alan Smith
Alan Smith is a Microsoft Azure developer, trainer, mentor and evangelist at Active Solution in Stockholm. He has a strong hands-on philosophy and focusses on embracing the power and flexibility of cloud computing to deliver engaging and exciting demos and training courses.
Alan has held the MVP title for 13 years and is currently an MVP for Microsoft Azure. He is in the organization team for the CloudBurst conference and the Global Azure Bootcamp.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies have been evolving with a rapid pace over the past few years, and Microsoft is investing heavily in the development of these technologies. ML.NET provides developers with a framework allowing then to develop applications and systems using machine learning algorithms. The Microsoft Azure platform offers the Azure Machine Learning services, targeted at data scientists, and Cognitive Services, allowing developers to perform a wide variety of AI based tasks like text, image and voice analysis through simple SDKs or REST-calls. The Azure Custom Vision Service allows powerful convolutional neural networks to be trained for object classification and object detection, with options to run the model hosted in the cloud or on-premise.
Anmälan senast den 2020-11-25.
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