Dataföreningen Västra Kretsen bjuder in till en presentation om Artificiell intelligens (AI) i samarbete med ISACA. Presentationen hålls på engelska av Zeljko Jagnjic, IT Audit manager på AB SKF.
On a daily basis we are reading about how “Artificial Intelligence” is taking over mankind. Are we close to extinction? How did we start with AI and where are we standing today? What is the definition of an intelligent agent? Are AI and Machine Learning two interchangeable terms? What we do not know? How does the development in the field of AI going to affect audit? Is it a hype? Or reality?
Zeljko has more than 20 years of experience within IT and information security. Parallel with the business carrier, he was taking part as a lecturer at different universities and as a member of different research groups in the area of Intelligent systems.
Currently Zeljko is working as IT Audit manager at AB SKF.
17:30-17:45 Registrering (entréporten går i lås kl. 18:00)
17:45-19:00 Presentation
19:00-19:30 Fika och mingel
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