Elena Malakhatka, Researcher at KTH Live-in-Lab and Director at VR Scientific Festival, will guide us through the technologies and give examples from the area and her own research.
Virtual and augmented reality has long been considered a disruptive technology across industry and consumer markets, always on the verge of changing the way we live, work and play.
A quick exploration into VR and AR in the building industry is enlightening however. In every level of the sector both VR and AR are showing their potential in a variety of applications. It seems that VR and AR are fast becoming a reality and will no doubt make our buildings even smarter.
Elena Malakhatka will make a general overview of the VR/AR-based services in the smart buildings and present some concepts and cases from her own research.
Elena Malakhatka is the founder of VR Sci Group and researcher in one of the VR Sci Lab – Virtual architecture.
VR SCI GROUP initiated in 2016, is a non-profit international collaboration of universities, research centres, game studios and companies that are working together to define and develop freely available open standards, platforms and communities of support for Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Mixed Reality, Simulations, and Game-based learning for Scientific and Educational purposes.
Elena has two MSc degrees (KTH 'Industrial engineering & management' and RSU 'Industrial energy efficiency'). After three years of work in various energy companies with business model improvement, she made the decision to come back to science and start her research in the area 'Big data and business models for sustainable buildings'. Elena is doing PhD at KTH Live-in-Lab and designing data-driven services for the smart buildings, some of which are related to AR/VR.
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