Blockchain technology is not just useful for creating digital currencies such as Bitcoin.
It can also be used for tracking ownership or the provenance of documents, food traceability and food safety, digital assets, physical assets or voting rights. The blockchain will have some very profound applications for society over the years to come. The implications are staggering and is going to disrupt many industries, fundamentally change market structures and lots of people will build businesses on top of it.
Welcome to a full-day conference that will explain why blockchains have the potential to revolutionise the world economy. Topics that will be covered include what a blockchain is, how and why society and businesses will be transformed, its importance for digital business and customer value, as well as billion dollar blockchain ideas. Listen to experts, participate in the discussion and network in the center of the Swedish blockchain node.
We are looking forward to meeting you on May 24th in Boden! Welcome to #blockchainnorth
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