Take the opportunity to join this EIT Digital Academy summer course to learn how to turn ideas into business using the latest insights on new technologies. Do a deep-dive in the technology and business models that drives the digital economy.
Does your company need to react to market, business and technology changes? Do you need to understand digital transformation to still be in business? Learn how disruptive technologies have an impact on markets and businesses, and how business models are changing.
In this course the focus is on Internet of Things (IoT) as a main driver for future digital infrastructures. With the advances of ICT, billions of “things” will collaborate through a reliable, efficient and secure network, using distributed storage and computing resources.
Fully functioning IoT requires new technical solutions in three large technology areas. Firstly, embedded systems, for energy efficient sensing and actuation. Secondly, communication and networked system for connecting the huge number of devices. And thirdly computing, data analytics and visualization for the IoT-based applications.
After completion of the course, you will be able to:
- Design a digital innovation business model for increased higher customer value and increased economic return
- Identify and assess the impact of digital technologies and their transformative power
- Understand user value, business life cycles, global market trends, industry value chains, market segments, IPR issues as well as financial and risk-related issues
- Apply new acquired presentation and communications skills, decision-making and leadership competencies
- Reflect on ethical, societal, scientific and sustainability views as a developer of new products, technologies and business models
Summerschool programme:
The first week of the course you will be introduced to the theory of the action lines by teachers from the academic and business world. It will be network activities and introduction to the cases for the business development assignment. You will be divided into teams and start to work on the ideation phase and will by the end of the week present a value proposition and a revenue model.
The second week you will continue with team work turning the business idea into a viable business plan with start-up strategy, marketing and financial planning. You and your team will present a business plan at the end of the week in a final pitch in front of a business panel.
To bring the participants up to the same level of the basic understanding of Innovation and Entrepreneurship topics, an online starter-kit will be sent out before entering the following Summer School 2018. Time estimated to complete the online kit is ~8 hours.
Practical information:
The format is a package of face-to-face practice, online preparations and presentations by researchers on Big Data analytics and platforms and corporate experts on business models.
You have the possibility to choose to participate only the first week or complete the full two-week course. Lunch and welcome dinner is provided for all participants.
The course will be held between July 29 and August 11 at Bosön Conference site, Lidingö, Sweden. Hotel and travel arrangements is not included in the package.
The course is held entirely in english.
When you complete the course, you will receive a EIT Digital Academy Summer School certificate
You need to prepare an application letter, a photo, your CV and a copy of your passport. The application letter should contain a description of your entrepreneurial experience and motivation e.g. what you expect to learn (max 500 words).
Summer School fees:
Fee one week: €1.750
Fee two weeks: €2.450
20% discount for EIT Digital member companies
No VAT applied to the fee
Who Should attend:
Young professionals, first level managers, mid-managers or intrapreneurs within companies in all sectors.
Course Leader:
Viktoria Fodor, Professor in Communication Networks at KTH University.
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