Räcker det med teknisk skydd mot dataintrång? Hur fungerar vi som människor vid säkerhetsrutiner?
En Think Tank efter modellen vi använde oss av när Jorge de Sousa Pires lät oss höra det senaste från Linnéuniversitetet. Denna gång är dock gästen från Lunds Universitet.
Eftersom vi hastigt fick ställa in sist så återkommer nu Miranda Kajtazi, Universitetslektor från Lunds Universitet, till Dataföreningen och redogör för sina forskningsresultat i detta spännande ämne.
Att undersöka hur individer/anställda i organisationer hittar sätt att manipulera med säkerhetspolicyn, vilket aldrig är bra för organisationen. Ändå är motsträvigheten att följa policyn ett fenomen som organisationer måste ta itu med.
“Working with one of the most secure operations in the world, that of the banking industry in particular, Miranda saw their rigorousness of security awareness campaigns to make sure their employees are up-to-date with their knowledge on how to comply with information security rules and regulations of their organizations. However, in her investigation, Miranda also discovered that banks often did not foresee how employees can act as individuals for their personal benefits. For instance, if an employee experiences a turmoil in a project, with obvious sunk costs, and the way out is to commit a violation in regards to security rules and regulations, they will most likely perform that behavior. In this presentation, Miranda will highlight the importance of knowing the employees personally and their potential to engage in violation even if that is in a banking industry context. Miranda’s research concerns one of the most crucial resources of our human and social affairs: information. Her focus is on information systems security in organizations, with the objective to explore and understand employees’ compliance and noncompliance behaviour with information security policies.”
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