The courseware is in English and the trainer speaks English.
Tid: 2017-03-01 -- 03, kl. 09.00 – ca 16.30
Lärare: Alan Smith, Addskills Cornerstone
Microsoft Azure In-Depth with Alan Smith
This intensive three day course will provide developers with the knowledge and skills required to develop, deploy and manage applications for the Microsoft Azure platform. The course is targeted at experienced .NET developers who wish to create distributed applications using cloud-based capabilities.
The course has been developed by and is taught by Alan Smith, one of the lead contributors to the Azure development community. Alan is a member of the Microsoft Application Server Group advisor team and provides direct feedback to the development teams on emerging Azure technologies, and has held Microsoft's most valuable professional (MVP) award for seven years.
The core windows services, such as Web Roles, Worker Roles, Storage, Service Bus and Azure Web Sites will be covered, with guidance on choosing appropriate services for a given scenario. Data storage will be covered in detail, focusing on Tables and Blobs in the Windows Azure Storage Services as well as Windows Azure SQL Databases, and data migration strategies will be discussed. Application lifecycle management will be covered, including using source control for development teams, and managing continuous integration. Options for packaging, deploying and maintaining Windows Azure applications
Cloud Computing and Windows Azure Overview
Microsoft Azure Web Sites
Microsoft Azure Storage
Web Roles and Worker Roles
Microsoft Azure SQL Azure Databases
Microsoft Azure Service Bus
Microsoft Azure Stream Analytics
Microsoft Azure Security and Identity Management
Building Scalable, Global, and Highly available Applications
Microsoft Azure Application Lifecycle Management will be discussed and demonstrated.
As Windows Azure is a continuously evolving platform, the course will be updated regularly to reflect the latest developments.
Experience with Visual Studio development environments and the C# programming language.
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- Anmälan är bindande
- 6 deltagare krävs för kursens genomförande (max 12)
Anmälan senast den 2017-01-27.
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