Lärare: Michael Herkommer, Addskills Cornerstone (läs mer)
This course will take your Git knowledge to the next level. It fuses a deeper look into how Git really works with a range of carefully selected practical techniques and advice on best practices.
You’ll come out of it with a better understanding of Git, a firmer sense of how to solve problems and create workflows, and a bunch more tools in your version control arsenal.
You have already taken our course Introduction to Git, or feel that you have a good grasp of all of the things that it covers.
People who want to take their knowledge of Git to the next level.
Länk till mer information; ämnesområden, lärare och anmälan.
Observera att:
– Anmälan är bindande
– 5 deltagare krävs för kursens genomförande (max 12)
Anmälan senast 2019-03-13.
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